Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A man and his EGO.

Lately I’ve been in a dilemma on how i should see or understand people. I’ve been surfing many blogs and seeing all kinds of people and their lifestyle. But there was this one blog that took me aback when i read it. I would like to keep this anonymous as to not create any emotional distress to that person. I mean, i have no problem posting their name. I don’t give a damn for people who are of a intolerable character. But as mentioned, i just don’t want them to get so distressed and emotional about it.. well.. just being courteous..

Coming to my topic. This person attracted me to HIS blog because of one thing that he kept highlighting again and again in this blog. "HIS EGO". Honest to God I’ve never met such a self-praising person in my life. I wish no more. The way he preached and praised and honored and appreciated himself was hitting me like a storm. People like this still exist? I mean, they are so call educated so called famous and yet.. again ya.. and yet! they can have such an attitude of self proclamation!? How is this possible. I've seen many people whom are filthy rich, highly educated, famous in art and dance.. and yet so humble for their age, so pleasant, so considerate to an extend i feel.. what a godly presence in them. I am not referring to only youngsters only but elders as well. But here what i see is someone with evil in HIM and trying to boast his chest out and claiming to the rest of the world.. that he is "the one". What could be uglier that this. Even the ugly duckling was humble. But here.. God! i just want to pray so that this person has a reality check and a hard knock on the head before anything.

I learnt this, and Iam still learning this. As a dancer, the main thing he or she should be living with is humbleness.. treating people with respect and most importantly to demolish the ego in themselves and surrender with a clean and open mind. Treat all equally. But here.. its the complete opposite and i don’t know how he can claim himself that person who he thinks he is by being such an egoistic person..

Well i just hope he learns something good soon, before his ego eats him up. To talk and preach about the truth of something so so sacred and not following it is an insult to the matter that was written in the first place , an insult that shall never be forgiven.

To end, i know that this jackass will be reading this.. as he despised me for despising him for his immaturity and low self act. Well I hope he changes..

1 year with an Impact!

I didn’t know that a blog I wrote 1 year ago actually gave an impact and caused distress to this person for 1 year 2 months!.. Phew not bad huh...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

AR RAHMAN's Slumdog Millionaire - Golden Globe Awards

Today i had to blog! AR RAHMAN ji has surely made us Indian so so proud with his victory in the Golden Globe Award for Slumdog Millionaire!. Again, where are you taking us Rahman ji with this kinda music. How do we describe it? How do we explain this music? Every time i hear it, it just blends in my blood and refuses to come out of my body and mind.

You have surely entered each of our souls slowly that no one can or should deny the fact that you have made a mark in this generation and forever. If there was a great Indian musician of all times and the style of whom is always giving us the feel of a new era and the future then it just cannot be anyone else but Rahman Ji. Rahman Ji after your birthday yesterday, today again will i pray to the lord to bless your and give you all the happiness as what you have given us thru your music!! A big standing ovation to the one and only Allah Rakha Rahman ji!! God bless you always!

Actually, i would want to write so so much about my favorite music director, my guide and the person i look upon to, but i just can't do it. I have asked myself many times on why i have not written or spoken anything about Rahman Ji in my blog? , well i just don't know why. I have spoken today and i will surely write about him one of these days but not about him, I’ll write about how he changed my life.. slowly like poison. Rahman Ji, I will never forget the day i saw you at Shah Alam in 2003. You looked so calm and there was this glow at you that made me spell bounded. I was speechless and had tears seeing you. It was a dream come thru that day. Seeing you so near, yet not being able to say a word, or take a picture or get an autograph made me feel really sad that day, but then i realized that, he is already speaking to us everyday, every single moment with his music. The music that just sinks into our soul letting us imagine things we would have not thought off. Indirectly creating lots of creativity in us of how the music looks like, of how we can dance to his beats, of how we can picture the scenes of the songs in our mind. He brings out our creativity. He took us and is still taking us to this New Era i have no clue about. But Rahman Ji I am always following you, no matter what. Thank you so much for all the beautiful musical and silent moments you have given to us. From you everyday i learn a big lesson. No matter how big you are and how knowledgeable you are. Always have gratitude for all and it can always be seen in you and in your music. So humble and composed. You are a big Teacher Rahman Ji. Thank You with a big salute.

News on Rahman Ji winning the Golden Globe Awards

To listen to the song go to :- http://www.imeem.com/slumdogmillionaire

Below i have it in my playlist as well. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Something about this New Year

This year seems new to me. I am usually not a big freak when it comes to new year's and I am no where close in preparing new year plans and achievements and all.. but this time it is different. I really cant remember when was the last I was so excited about a "New Year". I just can’t wait for it. I want to move on and I can't wait for good things to unfold in front of me. There is this sudden abundance of excitement and hope and enthusiasm that is making me have this slight ticklish happiness inside of me, like a child. Gosh I miss this feeling. I have forgotten this feeling, and now when it came back to me I am so hesitant to take it, but yet I want it. Why was I hesitant I was wondering yesterday before I went to sleep, only to realize I’ve been thru so so so many problems that I actually forgot and lost touch on how to be truly happy inside. So all I did yesterday nite was nothing but wondering and wondering.. why it took me so many years to get back this inner happiness, why didn’t I do something about it, why didn’t I look in the mirror and ask my good self which was so patient with me torturing myself all this way that "why I let myself go with the problems I had rather than fixing it fast".

Then as I was thinking, the answers just passed by me like "minnal" like "va maa minnaaaal " like that.. just zuuppp.. Was so fast that I had to rewind and slow play it. Mr.Answer was there and he said, hanusha darling you are nothing but a piece of crap :s. Opps sorry.. typo :p Mr.Answer said, no humans can live without a problem and only a problem makes you realize your strength and here, you have discovered your strength. No humans realize they can come out of a problem easily, because by thinking they are having problems, having problems and having problems they directly or indirectly are inviting themselves to nothing else but problems, which was what I was doing without realizing. I kept saying to myself I am having problems and It’s difficult and it’s impossible and all the negative things. It was like digging a hole with myself in, and as I keep digging thinking the treasure is down there for me to solve my problems, I didn’t realize that I was digging myself into a deeper hole that I will just struggle to come out from, and that was my biggest mistake said mr.answer. Even though I have solved most of my problems, the way that I handled it was the one that changed my life experience. It prolonged my suffering. I wasted lots of time recovering. I didn’t use my time effectively, and eventually the long suffering made me forget the true meaning of being completely “relieved!” I could have solved it in an easier way by being positive and saying only the good things, instead I made it difficult to solve the problem by complaining and blaming my self. Here I learned that any problem can be solved just easily with the same lesson learnt and mr.answer agreed with me.

As I was thinking, mr.answer said to me this special thing: - Right at this very moment your problems are resolved (whether is resolved or not it doesn’t matter) but right now it’s resolved. You have no problems. You have no worries. You have no doubts. You have no obligations. You are free. You are happy. And then he asked me to BELIEVE in that. At that very moment I did and soon after I started feeling this "ticklish happiness" like I had when I was a child. Like I said above. This time, something about this happiness is telling me it will be there with me forever as long as I want it. Yes I want this happiness forever, and I hope the same for all. Thank you mr.answer for waking me up for real. I am enjoying this feeling as I type this blog right now. It feels great. And we all know, if we really want something we just have to ask. Ask ourselves. Cause mr.answer is always within us.

Last but not least a quote I read yesterday nite before I slept:- "Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step". This quote by Martin Luther King is just perfect for any situation rite.

Ok then, before I end below are some pictures taken during the countdown party at Plaza mont kiara. Was really fun. We shouted loud. Enjoyed 1 minute of crackers, had starbucks and did some dancing. haha.. was really nice.. Was a great way to start the year.

From Top Left :- Ruben (My bro)& Rujj. From bottom left :- Manu, Myself & Mein(Rujj's sis)


Giant crackers..

Amongst the crowd..
free download



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